How to use the mobile version of Smartpricing

Smartpricing provides the possibility to use the platform from the mobile version as well.

This version is designed to offer the user the possibility to perform a quick check of a single day or to apply modifiers to individual dates.

We remind you that the mobile version has been designed to offer the possibility of quick access to the platform from any device and does not replace the performance of the desktop platform.

Below, we can see the mobile version closer:

Opening the platform from a mobile device, the following page will appear:



To view additional information for any of the dates and to modify the price, simply click on the selected cell. In the window below, you can see the price justifiers and the statistics for the selected day and room.



Instead, by clicking on the modifiers box, a new window will open allowing you to input or change modifiers. To apply modifiers to multiple dates, you can use the "Customize Prices" feature located above the main calendar.


To change the room type and date, simply press the arrows located next to the room name and the date.


Finally, we also remind you that the mobile version is activated when a window reduction is detected.

In case the mobile version appears when you shrink the desktop platform window, simply reduce the zoom.

This can be done by:

  1. Clicking on the magnifying glass (indicated by the yellow arrow).
  2. Clicking the three vertical dots (indicated by the red box) and decreasing the zoom level.


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